- Catalogue Number
- MAG510
- CAS Number
- 7791-18-6
- Storage
- Molecular Formula
- MgCl2.6H2O
- Molecular Weight
- 203.3
For research purposes only. Not to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, or human consumption.
- Purity:
- 99-102%
- Insolubles:
- max.0.005%
- Nitrate:
- max. 0.001%
- Phosphate::
- max 5ppm
- Sulfate:
- max. 0.002%
- Ammonium:
- max. 0.001%
- Barium:
- max. 0.005%
- Calcium:
- max. 0.01%
- Heavy metals/ Manganese:
- max. 5ppm each
- Iron;
- max. 0.0005%
- Clarity of Soln (20g/100ml water):
- clear/colorless
- Potassium, sodium, Strontium:
- max 0.005% each