- Catalogue Number
- COL007
- CAS Number
- 9001-12-1
- Storage
For research purposes only. Not to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, or human consumption.
- Prepared to contain lower tryptic
- activity to limit damage to membrane
- proteins and receptors but with
- normal to above collagenase activity.
- Suggested for pancreatic islet
- primary isolation. Lyophilized powder.
- u/mg dw;
- min. 160 units/mg dry weight
- u/mg dw Caseinase:
- min. 100 units/mg dry weight
- u/mg dw Clostripain:
- max. 3.00 units/mg dry weight
- u/mg dw Tryptic:
- max. 0.10 units/mg dry weight
- A280 @ mg/ml:
- reprot
- Source:
- Clostridium histolyticum